Want to reduce equipment costs while improving care???
I’m sure you’re using an asset management system for medical equipment. But, have you considered using it to manage workstations on wheels that nurses use for bedside charting?
Inventory tracking systems save time and reduce waste!
When they’ve gone missing, been moved to a different department – or even worse, left for dead, it costs time and money your hospital network could save.
Looking for misplaced equipment drives up healthcare costs
The cost and burden of misplaced medical equipment leads to increased purchase costs and time wasted looking for resources, negatively impacting patient care.
30% of nurses reported spending around an hour looking for equipment on each shift, but more importantly, the wasted hours could be better spent with patients – which is extremely important as nursing staff are under immense pressure in today’s stressful climate.
For this reason, Enovate Medical developed Rhythm, an asset management platform with a dashboard view that tracks the entire workstation fleet. Rhythm allows IT staff to streamline service and optimize the equipment availability – across multiple departments, facilities, and locations.
Our asset management platform will give IT managers a big picture view across the entire hospital!